I have missed you and have thought of writing all kinds of things, but every time I wander over to sit in this chair the Holy Spirit beckons me back to just sitting... just soaking... just being with Him.
So, you know... as much as I love you... I love Him more and He - more than anyone else (--ask anyone!) gets to be the Boss of me!
I have felt like the lessons He keeps sowing into me are things I have been learning and living and writing about for AWHILE now... and yet, He won't let me move along already.
He keeps asking me to sit and to be...
to not produce anything...
I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed." ~Lloyd Dobler, Say AnythingSo, "What have I been doing?" you ask.
Well... not exactly much --and yet, He assures me that there is much being accomplished!
I go back and forth with fully being okay with this season of not having anything to show for my days.
I am a List Girl and I love me a Bossy Calendar and while I have things to do on (nearly) every day of the week, all the time... the things that I find God and I doing are not really showy-offy or tangible, per say.
Mostly, I'm fine with that.
But I have my days.
(Also- there is the little fact that I have been battling sickness on and off for QUITE some time. Little things... but they come and go, and force me to slow and to rest.)
I had a Sozo last week.
For those not familiar with Sozo, it is an inner healing prayer ministry, and it's purpose is to get to the root of anything that may be hindering your relationship with God and to reconnect you to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! It's super powerful and chances are good there is a trained Sozo Team near you. I highly recommend them.
I had one because as a staff, we at Dad's House all agreed to have a Sozo. I actually went through the Sozo training myself years ago, and when I begin to feel a bit of distance or something comes up in a relationship that is tough, I tend to Sozo myself and clean the slate, if you will.
So I went in for my Sozo without any deep wounds or hurts weighing heavy, but told the team that I was willing to go wherever God led. (Sometimes we may not know what heavy burdens we may be carrying around with us, amen?)
The theme immediately was Rest... which surprises no one, really. I mean... right?
I'm all about Slow and Sabbath, about Finding your Rhythm and Knowing How you're Wired... and for me? Well, for me -- that is all wrapped around Resting.
Everyone needs it... but not everyone craves it as much as I do.
I have come to truly value how other people are wired. When I am surrounded by people who are wired fast... (which in this season it seems as though I am quite often) it can tempt me to speed up... to push through... to put off that slowing and resetting.
This does no one any good.
(See? I am learning!)
So I pray before I go in for my Sozo and the first thing that God shows up and does is this:
I see Him kneeling down in front of me, like a Father bending down to be at eye level with his child, and He lifts my chin and meets my gaze and warmth and love pour out of Him.
He whispers, "There are not many I trust to reach right in and touch hearts the way I trust you. You first disarm them with your charm and then reach right on in to the tender places and speak life and breathe hope and let love flow in to bring new life. You do this WAY more often than you know. But always, I see. I see because I take notice of you, dear one. You capture My heart and I love to see you love and laugh and live. This is my will for you: To Love! To Laugh! To Live! Don't ever doubt it... and don't settle or be talked into less. And, by the way, you are never, ever, EVER unseen!"
So... there is that.
Not a bad way to start a prayer time, right?
We actually dove into quite a few things during our session. Much of it was confirmation and grace... but there was some unexpected healing and hope restored as well!
Mostly, however, this is what I wanted to share with you:
This may sound strange, but I hope not. I hope that you too have a secret place that you meet with God.
As soon as we started praying, I closed my eyes and I imagined our meeting place. It's been the same scene for me for many years now. It's where I 'go' to meet with Him.
He took me there in a vision years ago while in prayer and He told me I could come back any time and --as I tend to do, I took Him at His word!
There is always a Tree planted by a stream and a blanket with a picnic set out for us to relax and slowly enjoy a meal together... and there is always a Swing. The swing is tethered to the Cross. When I am on the swing, I can look to my left and see the blanket set-up... I can look forward and see the ocean, or I can look to the right and see an Italian hillside vineyard. I can smell a hint of grapes, mixed with salty sea air! The breeze is always slight and refreshing. This is my favorite place.
On the day of my Sozo, I found myself on the swing... but I was pumping and gripping tightly, trying to go higher --or go somewhere, and the Lord simply said, "You can pump all you want, but you're not going to get anywhere like that! I've already done all the work that needs to be done. You are WAY more productive over there," as He pointed to the left towards the Tree.
Hmm... yeah. OK. You got me, God.
You see how I am and how I struggle and how I want to be busy about doing something... but you also know who I am and that what I am to be about is less doing, and more being... and what I carry is Peace and Presence and pumping on a swing is not going to ever really move me forward or fill me up when I am striving.
I get it.
I see it now.
And suddenly, all my muscles relax.
We did some work... some uncovering of lies I had been believing (such as ministry has to be hard... a lie I began believing after a hard conversation and since then --the battle for health!) We leaned in a bit and asked Him to replace the lies with something else and you know what He gave me?
He handed me a Hammock!
Can you even?
He wouldn't even let me hang it...
He said He would hang it and I was to just lay down and relax.
I gently laid myself down and let the breeze sway me a bit.
I closed my eyes and breathed in slow and deep.
I was suddenly aware of the warmth of everywhere the ropes touched me and I felt secure and held.
He whispered softly,
"I am the Hammock."
How amazing is that? So - I may sound like a broken record when I keep talking about Rest and Waiting... but this is where He is holding me.
And He keeps promising me and reassuring me that when I follow His lead, even when it doesn't feel like it or look like it, much is being accomplished.
Sometimes what we produce takes root down deep beneath the surface... sometimes we are producing more than we know because it isn't visible yet, or because it is visible in another realm.
So, the difference between a Swing and a Hammock is the difference between Striving or Resting and I keep saying (and singing) "There is no striving in His Love!"
So I pray that whatever season you are in, you will
May you breathe Him in, slow and full...
and let Rest find its' Rhythm in you.
After a bit of a hiatus from ALL the Link Ups, I am linking up with these lovely communities:

Dear Karrilee,
ReplyDeleteThis is just so beautiful, and a confirmation of the things that the Lord has been speaking to me also. He gave me a dream, to reaffirm His Word in my heart, but I have to be reminded of it so frequently, in this place of slow where He has brought me. There are still days where I squirm, and want to be out of this season, but His Presence is the best place after all! Thank you for sharing these precious words today. May the Lord bless your resting!
Oh Bettie... there is some sort of blessing in finding community --even in the graceful heavy Hand that holds us still! Praying for you in this season (while I am praying for me, too!)
DeleteOh friend. How I love you! THIS: "So I pray that whatever season you are in, you will find make time to lay down in His Presence... to let Him hold you like a Hammock... to stop any striving and just let Him love you. "
ReplyDeletePraying you have moments spent laying in His Presence, feeling Him hold you! Love you too, friend!
DeleteI have heard for years about the importance of having a special place to meet with Jesus but until I made one, I had no idea how important it really is. Now when I hear God call, I immediately think of my little spot and know that He will speak to me there. I don't think it matters where it is or what it looks like as long as you have one and regularly interact with Him. Thanks for your post!
ReplyDeleteYes! This. It takes your quiet time (or whatever you want to call it!) up another level somehow, doesn't it? Thanks so much for stopping by!
DeleteI have heard this message of rest twice in one week. Now, I need to find ways to implement it. My husband is a doer, and you may remember that we have 3 littles 8 and under. I need to find a way to communicate my need for rest to my family and set up routines so that I can rest. -Jolene
ReplyDeleteI am fully aware that I am in a season and stage of life where setting aside time to rest is --well, at least in theory, easier. I think once we realize and fully embrace the truth of how when we take care of ourselves and our souls first (i.e. - the gas mask on an airplane!) then we are able to fully give the best of ourselves to the rest of our days. This is not a promotion for selfishness or making yourself top priority in order to just do whatever you want (which is what the enemy will tell you in order to get you to not follow through!) but it is taking care of your soul and your connection to Him - so that you are a full vessel, ready to let Him partner with you throughout the rest of your day. I think the other lie the enemy can whisper to us is that it takes hours and hours... it can take just five minutes... usually, no matter what our season, we can find five minutes - even a few times through out the day - to slow down, focus, breathe, pray. Praying for you as you find ways to put into practice finding a rhythm of rest in your daily routine! It takes practice, for sure... and discipline... and remembering that you are worth it and that it is worth it because it will invite Him in to the whole of your days on an entirely different level! xoxo
DeleteThank you for giving us a peek into your "holy of holies" experience with the Lord through many times of prayer, Karrilee. I'm so glad that you're sensitive to His leadings and are willing to rest in the reality that He's got this--no matter how much you feel you need to do. I'm the same way--struggle with the need to produce. However, my time (and place) with the Lord is a constant in my life. I rarely if ever miss and am always so glad that I carved out that time each day. Thanks for your beautiful reminder of God's presence and power in our lives--even in our resting.
ReplyDeleteOh - the pull to produce is strong, isn't it? And it's not that it's bad! We all have seasons where we are called to push through and create and produce and we get so much done it's ridiculous! However, there are not many who are wired to do that on a consistent basis! Rest, as we know, is vital and if Jesus made it a priority --well then, so should we! Thanks so much for stopping by, Beth!
DeleteWhat a lovely post - so encouraging, accepting of God and His whispers and transparent. I have learned, in a very time, to rest, to rest in Him, to listen to my body and His voice. Once we do, everything else falls into place. I rejoice with you in all that you are learning and experiencing! Praise God!
ReplyDeleteYes... so true! Once we give in and listen... everything does tend to fall into place! So good! Thanks so much for stopping by, Miaismine!
DeleteThe word picture of God as our hammock is awesome! He wraps around us, supports us and keeps us on all sides. Love, love this!
ReplyDeleteRight? He holds us so lovingly and gently --and securely! xoxo