June 23, 2017

The Steady Rhythm of His Heart... a Five Minute Friday post

I finally made it (back) to the Twitter party for the Five Minute Friday community! Oh how I have missed hanging out and (re)connecting!

This is a Five Minute Friday post, which simply means I set a timer and free write for five minutes flat on the one word prompt of: STEADY.


I can't believe the word prompt.  

I laugh at the first thought that rolls over my heart and I want to dismiss it... to pretend I didn't hear it.  And then I laugh at the realization that lately I am steady in theme if not in much else around here!

The first two sentences my heart hears:

It's the steady rhythm of His heart that we must tune our ears to. Like the rolling in and out of the Tide, His heart pulls at us and offers us Rest.

You see, it's the worlds metronome that is blaring loud and it can drown out the sound of His heart.  It beats too fast... too rushed and chaotic, and our heart tends to try to keep up without even realizing it. But it's the methodical rhythm of rest... of breathing in deep and exhaling slow that our souls long for the most...

June 13, 2017

Expect Pockets of Peace and Respites of Rest - a Five Minute Friday post.

I am still leaning in to this season of dwelling... of resting... of simply being with Him and being still... of less 'swinging' and more 'hammocking'! 

So I was a little surprised when I felt Him beckon me to this chair, in front of this screen! But since I am here, let's play!

This is a Five Minute Friday post, which simply means I set a timer and free write for five minutes flat on the one word prompt of: EXPECT.


I see the word prompt, and I smile.  
   Actually laugh a little under my breath. 

I could go a thousand different directions with "Expect" (or the variations of Expecting, Expectations, etc.) but even with all this resting, I am tired y'all! 

And so I slow... I close my eyes and breathe in deep.

I focus in on what He wants (which I suppose is really fruit of this 'unproductive' waiting season) and I exhale fully... ready to write...

  It's such a weighty word, isn't it?  

June 6, 2017

More on Rest... aka The Difference Between a Swing and a Hammock

I hope y'all still remember me! I feel like a stranger in my own little corner here.  

I have missed you and have thought of writing all kinds of things, but every time I wander over to sit in this chair the Holy Spirit beckons me back to just sitting... just soaking... just being with Him.

So, you know... as much as I love you... I love Him more and He - more than anyone else (--ask anyone!) gets to be the Boss of me!

I have felt like the lessons He keeps sowing into me are things I have been learning and living and writing about for AWHILE now... and yet, He won't let me move along already. 

He keeps asking me to sit and to be... 
to not produce anything...

I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed." ~Lloyd Dobler, Say Anything
So, "What have I been doing?" you ask.

Well... not exactly much --and yet, He assures me that there is much being accomplished!

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