August 29, 2016

There is No Shadow of Turning... What It Looks Like To Be Loyal.

Remember in the olden days (read: a month ago) when I used to write on Thursday or Fridays for Five Minute Friday? Yeah... me, too! Aiming to get back on track this week, friends! Feeling like I can almost catch my breath again!

This is Five Minute Friday (- a five minute timed free write) and our One Word Prompt for the day is:LOYAL

My first thought when I saw this One Word Prompt was, well, listen...

As in, for real...


August 23, 2016

We Are Better Together... A Five Minute Friday Post.

Oh y'all... I can't even remember what I was doing last Thursday night... surely it was important, because it caused me to miss the #fmfparty and life right now is over-filled and bossy... mostly in the best ways though, so that helps (tremendously!)  Still - this word prompt? Yeah... right about now, we are all about team!

This is Five Minute Friday (- a five minute timed free write) and our One Word Prompt for the day is:TEAM


So listen... 

Y'all know we helped to start a new church a little over a year ago. I try not to turn this blog into the church planting blog... (#NotThatTheresAnythingWrongWithThat.) 

Still... I have found myself saying over and over lately this one phrase --and truly meaning it:

"We are better together!"
And we are. 
We really are!

Because we were MADE to be that way!

August 16, 2016

What We Learned This Summer...

I know... I know!
It's only mid-August...

   (--ha! "Only!" Summer just FLEW by, right?)

I have stepped a bit away from this chair this summer - posting a little less frequently, and battling to enter in to Rest, but when I saw it was time already for Emily Freeman's link-up on What We Learned, I had to sit myself down and reflect back over this summer and remind myself of what we've been learning! 

So often, we won't fully process the lessons until we slow to remember what they were! 

12 Random Things That I Have Learned...

August 11, 2016

Decorating with Words That Matter... a Dayspring post.

I stated on Instagram last week that I am like the worst affiliate ever. It's just because I forget! (Oh --and because I am so non-techy! I'm the worst.)

I only partner with Dayspring and that is because I am so passionate about not only their amazing products from jewelry and coffee cups (hello, pretty!) to cards and home decor, but I am also passionate about the heart behind the company and the community that they have built.

I love that Dayspring offers all kinds of Lovely to decorate my home (or myself... hello scarves, necklaces, and #armparty fun!) that point to my faith in a fashionable way. I love word art anyway, but word art that is based on, you know, The Word... that's a win-win! 

And home decor that speaks life, 
   well-- that's sort of my deal!

August 8, 2016

The Kingdom Way to Breathe...

I have been encountering God in the deep lately.  

As in, literally, in the deep... 

And the irony is not lost on me. 

You see, I have this fear of deep waters. I'm not sure where it came from but I have always battled a fear of water. 

I LOVE the beach and find peace and rest on a shore - whether it be ocean, inlet, or riverbank... but take me out to where my feet won't reach the bottom, well... (Cue "Oceans" song here...) I'm not a fan.

I get a little twitchy with a case of side-eye and I may hyperventilate or be prone to desperate bouts of praying in the Spirit (--which spirit, it's hard to tell.)

I am so aware that I am not in control and that I am being forced to trust. That whole sense of adventure and play evaporates like good intentions on a slow, sunny, summer afternoon!

So the fact that He is calling us out into the Deep... well, it stretches me --but I can never say no to Him! 

Oh - I can want to... but He's just so convincingly Good...

August 4, 2016

Happy - a Five Minute Friday post

Oh man, it was great to be back in the flow of the fun that is #fmfparty over on Twitter!

This is Kate's 2yr Anniversary of hosting Five Minute Friday over at her blog and so don't forget to head on over to her place, too!

This is Five Minute Friday (- a five minute timed free write) and our One Word Prompt for the day is:HAPPY


Because, of course!  

I already wrote about Happiness this week, but honestly --it's not like any of us couldn't use a little MORE Happy, right?

It's not like there is TOO MUCH Happy going around right about now!

Even for me... one who has a bent for being joyful and positive, this season of heavy and dark can weigh me down and pull me to corners of weariness and shadows.

August 2, 2016

The Happiness Dare - Everyone Should Play Along, Because Who Couldn't Use a Lot More Happy?

It's summertime and you guys know how I love to sit on my patio and read all the things! You also may have noticed that I have been writing fewer words lately... keeping my thoughts and opinions close to the heart and quiet. 

If I'm honest (...and I am that!) part of the reason for my silence is because, well... I am tired, y'all!  And after weeks and weeks of feeling a bit too run down, I began to wonder if maybe my Joy was... um, lacking?  

Enter The Happiness Dare...

This book, friends... because God is smart and Jennifer is kindred, this book fell into my hands at just the right time! I love them both oh so much! 

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