December 9, 2014

Rejoice! Rejoice! (A Christmas Giveaway!)

I know, right?  Who doesn't love a Giveaway... but a CHRISTMAS Giveaway?  Well, come on!

If you are like me, then reading yesterdays' post about being ahead of the curve with a self imposed deadline and being almost done with all things Christmasy was just a fun little confirmation to just keep on being you!

If, however, you are not like me, and you are behind on all things Christmasy... well - Good news! I am feeling rather Festive and got a little carried away in both my crafting and in my shopping, so I am here to help a Reader out!

Tis the Season and all that jazz, right?  

This Giveaway is unfortunately limited to USA residents only. (Sorry to my international readers!)

Gathered here are a few of my favorite things... I hope you will enjoy them, too! Keep them for yourself, or give as a gift!

ONE Lucky Winner will receive this little box of festive fun!  Here's the whole prize:

Now... let me break it down for you...

A Set of 4 One of  a Kind, Handmade Christmas Cards (with envelopes) 

 A Set of 4 One of a Kind, Handmade Christmas Thank You's (with envelopes)

 This gorgeous necklace from the Redeemed collection at Dayspring.

 Altered Wood Frame, decorated Scrapbook style, for a Christmas Photo!

  (No glass.)

  This One of a Kind, Altered Mini-Scrapbook Tin
(Perfect for those fun holiday photo's!)

  This gorgeous accordion scrapbook with tin fits nicely in a Stocking
or would make a great Hostess gift, too!

  Last but DEFINITELY not least...
This is the new Christmas CD from Kim Walker Smith 
and it is just as amazing as you are imagining it to be!

So... enter below and we will let Rafflecopter pick a winner on Friday! I will mail it out to the one lucky reader by next Monday!

P.S.  I'm linking up with these lovely writers:

Jennifer Dukes Lee for #TellHisStory

Holley Gerth for #CoffeeforYourHeart

Meredith Bernard for #Woman2WomanWednesday


  1. So beautiful! You've inspired me to tackle my gift tags this afternoon - although, they won't look anything like your lovely works of art <3

    1. Yay SJ! I am sure they will be gorgeous!!! Little works of art, themselves! xoxo

  2. I love handmade cards! And I am excited about the Christmas album. My favorite Christmas song? Well, this week it's "O Come, O Come Emmanuel". Next week could be something totally different.

    1. I am loving that song too... by The Civil Wars... oh my! LOVE it! (Mine is normally O Holy Night!) Good luck, my friend!

  3. I love, love, love Kim Walker Smith! <3 Those cards are so beautiful!

    1. Chandra... I LOVE love love her too! We've been to Bethel a few times but she was never there leading... I did go to a Christmas (time) concert of hers a few years ago... oh my! Just the atmosphere alone that they create - Incredible!

  4. I love the beautiful cards :). My favorite Christmas song...hum...does 'all of them' count as one?

    1. LOL - you mean you are like ME when it comes to picking a favorite? All of Them definitely counts! ;)

  5. Your cards and handiwork are enviable!!!

  6. I love the necklace and the CD; my favorite Christmas song is "The Little Drummer Boy"...but I LOVE LOVE LOVE the handmade cards (mine are sitting on the dining room table to be finished): the tin box with the accordian mini scrapbook to go inside (I made one of those for my mom with pics of all of her great grandkids!); and the altered wood frame...I've gotten a little more into the altered crafts lately! Thanks for sharing; and for the giveaway - I am hoping just the RIGHT person gets this amazing bunch of hand-made items (and the CD and necklace)!!

    1. Barbara, yay for papercrafting! I used to do it professionally and sort of got burned out on it all... so it's nice to find myself rediscovering and enjoying it again a bit this year! I am praying the right person wins, too!

  7. So much fun... I do love a good giveaway. Thanks.

    1. Amen, right Wendy? Who doesnt love a Giveaway - but at Christmas time, it's even better! Good Luck!

  8. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Very nice giveaway! I love everything :) Favorite Christmas song is Silent Night.

    1. Thanks so much! Yes ... Silent Night... it holds a special place in my heart - that one! I can still hear my girlies' little toddler voice singing that one at bedtime during the holidays! #Swoon

  9. I love the homemade cards! Love your crafty generous spirit!

    1. Aw.... I love you friend! You have been on my heart lately and I am praying for you! xoxo

  10. Okay, seriously - one thing? I can't pick one thing. I absolutely adore everything you've made - the cards are gorgeous and the little scrapbook in the tin - oh my word, I want that! You are so talented my friend - such beautiful things.

    Favorite Christmas song? Probably O Come Emmanuel and O Holy Night (see how I'm really bad at picking just one thing?)

    1. LOL... Oh you know I so get it - this trouble picking a favorite! ;) Those two songs right now? Those are my favorites, too... at least this week!

  11. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Love the beautiful cards! Music is my favorite part of this giveaway-it's a big part of who I am! Favorite song- I have so many but I am going with Silent Night because it was written by Franz Gruber who is a distant relative! Gruber is my maiden name-who knew???? Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. How fun is that? I love it! Then of COURSE Silent Night is your favorite! Thanks so much for stopping by Mary! Merry Christmas!

  12. Hey, Karri—you always do such an amazing job! fun!

    1. Aw, thanks Dori! Thanks for stopping by! (We need to meet up for a walk or lunch! Maybe after the holidays? Let me know, friend!)

  13. I love all these beautiful gifts but more than that I love you and your sweet heart !!

    1. You are so sweet! (Hey... you should Vox me... I'm missing some sweet southern drawl!) xoxo

  14. What a fun giveaway! Keep telling me that it's okay that I'm SO far behind!!! : )

    1. It IS Okay, Paula... because you are busy becoming a Thru hiker, right? That takes time and attention! (I seriously think you should DO IT!!!) You'll get done what needs to get done - and the rest ...well, no worries! Resist the urge to rush through it all... less is more, but oh how this Season can cause us to forget that! Thanks for stopping by and good luck!

  15. Such a fun giveaway! I love the Redeemed necklace...which I think is my fave in the whole package. However you make GORGEOUS cards and those would be fun to get too. I am not usually that lucky but I am going to take a chance! :P

    1. Oh Tara, I love that necklace too! In fact, I bought several so I could keep one for myself and give a few as gifts because - gah! - they are so gorgeous!!! Well, I am letting Rafflecopter pick the winner so it's out of my hands, but good luck, my friend! Merry Christmas!

  16. Wow! Such a generous giveaway. These are so beautiful, Karrilee. It looks like you put a lot of creativity, love and time into them.

    1. Thanks so much Trudy! I appreciate your kind words and am happy you stopped by! Good luck!

    2. Amazing! Thank you, Karrilee!

  17. Anonymous12:35 PM

    This is fun and the artwork looks beautiful. Merry Christmas, Karrilee.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

  18. You do beautiful work, Karrilee! How sweet you are to share it with us, along with those other goodies! Merry Christmas and all JOY in 2015!

    1. Aw - thank you June! Merry Christmas to you, my friend!

  19. Would love to hear that cd! O Holy Night is my fav.:) Merry Christmas to you friend!

    1. O Holy Night is my favorite too... although I AM really loving O Come Emmanuel bu The Civil Wars too! Good luck, my friend!


Thanks so much for stopping by! I always love to hear your thoughts! Remember to: Speak Life - Be Love - Shine On!

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