October 18, 2014

That Thing I Do Now - Vol 66

Happy Weekend, everyone! My Honey and I are celebrating twenty-two years of wedded bliss this weekend! Yes, we got married in glorious October! (#Swoon!)  I hope you are enjoying some Fall celebrating of your own... even if it is just something yummy to drink while enjoying something good to read... oh wait, I can help with that! 

Featured today are posts by Sarah Bessey, Robin Dance, Jennifer Dukes Lee, Lisa Gungor, and the #Write31Days blogger who is somewhat new to me: Renee Ratcliffe... and - of course - a video!

Happy Reading! 

(Ya'll know to click on the authors' names to read their whole posts, yes?)

* This one by Sarah Bessey with October's Lady...
"October feels like a woman who knows her age and rests comfortable in that knowledge, like the woman I want to be someday."

* This one by Robin Dance over at Incourage.me with Not Now Doesn't Mean Not Ever...
"Over the past ten years, through unexpected personal deserts and crazy life, I’ve tried to become a There you are! friend, the one who notices what you’re not saying as much as what you do. I’ve challenged myself to notice people in the margins, and in a stroke of serendipity and Divine providence, I’ve wandered into those places myself, learning by experience what it feels like to be ignored, rejected, forgotten, irrelevant and sometimes invisible.

I’ve hated it.

But on the other side of those hard lessons and hurt feelings is what has become a passion of mine, redemptive purpose. "

This post by Jennifer Dukes Lee  with Dance the Orange Dance...
"These have been hard days, tired days, cuddle-up-by-the fire-and-drift-off-to-sleep-again days. Somewhere, far down inside, my heart says it’s okay to be like this. There is a strange peace, I think, that comes to the sick. It is a grace from God, given to the unwell. I do not wish to be sick chronically, but for a time, I am acutely aware that my own life has granted me permission to stop. Sickness pries a woman’s own fingers off her overworked soul.

I want to be well again. But for now, I live surrendered under a sickness.

* This post by Lisa Gungor with Lucie is Light...
"Pain is one of those things I don’t like much.

I’m sure there are at least a few people who share this sentiment. We’ve all heard the saying “what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.” Normally when I hear that, I immediately revert to a juvenile eye roll or mutter a slew of choice words under my breath.  This is because I have never understood why the pain is necessary.  ...People learn how to be stronger because pain exists. But I’d much prefer ...the pain just leave me alone.

This was my stance, up until the day Lucie was born."

* This 31 Days series, 31 Days of Speaking Life by Renee Ratcliffe with Speaking Life Through Prayer...
"What better way to speak life than through prayer? In the first chapter of Colossians, the apostle Paul gives us a beautiful way to lift our loved ones to the Father. When we sincerely and consistently pray straight from God’s Word, His answer will come powerfully.

Intercession is a life-giving act, yet it doesn’t guarantee that our loved ones’ lives will be easy. But faithful prayer increases our dependence upon God and our love for others."

* This one right HERE from my own series, 31 Days of Resting in Him with Are You Serious? You are SLEEPING? (Part One of Two)...
"We know that fear and faith can not co-exist... they are opposite, powerful forces. One of them wins... and we decide which one.

We can strive and long for Rest,
but if we are saturated with
thoughts of fear and given over
to anxiety and worry,
A Lifestyle of Rest
will elude us."

Plus: the video... because that's just how we roll! I included this in one of my posts this week, but just in case you missed it... or need to hear it again... turn it up and breathe in deep. There is No Fear in Love, my friends!

Steffany Gretzinger, from The Undoing CD                       

Happy Weekend, ya'll!


  1. Anonymous9:34 AM

    So grateful, Karrilee! You are a blessing! Happy Anniversary, and I hope the year ahead is especially blessed for you & your honey.
    Gratefully ~ Renee

    1. Thanks so much, Renee! Your post/series has been a blessing, and as you can see here - it speaks my heart, too! Happy that 31 Days has introduced me to so many new friends and writers!

  2. Karrilee!!

    THANK YOU so much for including my post in your round up! I'm honored to be included (and maybe you can tell its message was an *important* one to me). And........HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! We got married in November on a beautiful fall day, so I can relate to this being a wonderful time of year to tie the knot :)


    1. I loved it, and yes - I love that it is something that you are passionate about! Autumn weddings... #Swoon! One of my regrets from last year at Allume was not waking up early to get to hang out with you at your Meet Up! Praying for you and all those going this year! Believing for some divine connections and encounters! xoxo


Thanks so much for stopping by! I always love to hear your thoughts! Remember to: Speak Life - Be Love - Shine On!

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