October 25, 2014

That Thing I Do Now - Vol 67

Hey ya'll!  How are you doing? I pray your week was great, but that your weekend ahead is even better, because - of course!  You know the drill here... I read all sorts of amazing things all week long online and then I hook you up with A Gathering of Awesome, just in case you missed it!

Hello Fall & #iphoneonlyphotography                    
taken on a Family walk down by the river...    

Featured today are posts by Lisa Jo Baker, Deb Wolf, Kelli Woodford, John Pavlovitz, and the #Write31Days blogger who is somewhat new to me: (only not techinically... but she's not been featured here until now!) Erin Salmon... and - of course - a video! (Oh yes... and the Winner of the #WordsMatter Giveaway announced, too!)

Happy Reading! 

(Ya'll know to click on the authors' names to read their whole posts, yes?)

October 18, 2014

That Thing I Do Now - Vol 66

Happy Weekend, everyone! My Honey and I are celebrating twenty-two years of wedded bliss this weekend! Yes, we got married in glorious October! (#Swoon!)  I hope you are enjoying some Fall celebrating of your own... even if it is just something yummy to drink while enjoying something good to read... oh wait, I can help with that! 

Featured today are posts by Sarah Bessey, Robin Dance, Jennifer Dukes Lee, Lisa Gungor, and the #Write31Days blogger who is somewhat new to me: Renee Ratcliffe... and - of course - a video!

Happy Reading! 

(Ya'll know to click on the authors' names to read their whole posts, yes?)

October 11, 2014

That Thing I Do Now - Vol 65

So - first off, if you are a subscriber and I forgot to mention earlier that it is October... I apologize!  By "October" I mean #Write31Days and so that means way more posts than usual! I promise it will get back to normal in a few weeks! Until then, I hope you are reading along and diving in to Resting in Him with me!

Last weekend, on a whim - and keeping in line with Resting in Him, my Honey and I took a Sunday Drive.  Like, for real... we headed up to the mountains in search of Autumn!  It's been a hot, long summer and the trees around here are just starting to change... but still - we had to look, real slow-like, because - Hello Sunday Drive(r)!

With all the writing I've been doing (#sorrynotsorry) - I haven't had as much reading time, but I can't bring myself to let you down! So here... the Gathering of Awesome for this week... Enjoy!

Featured today are posts by Kris Camealy, Cara Strickland, Lori Harris, Brian Dolleman, Alia Joy and the #Write31Days blogger who is somewhat new to me: Aliza Latta... and - of course - a video!

Happy Reading! 

(Ya'll know to click on the authors' names to read their whole posts, yes?)

October 9, 2014

When You Are Two Weeks Overdue and God Tricks You...

...you know, because He loves you!

My friend Sarah is hosting some pretty fun birth stories over at her place for her 31Days series... all part of a brilliant plan to keep her blog active while they welcome a new little one in to their family! She asked me to share my labor and delivery story over at her space today!  Hop on over and reminisce with me! Even now - over nineteen years later, it's still one of my favorite stories! Because, of course! But also because, God... He is so smart and loving and sometimes, in order to get us through things, He has to trick us. (Or maybe that's just me!)

Click on over and read the rest of the story HERE...

If you are visiting today, looking for DAY NINE of 31 Days of Resting in Him, please click HERE for todays post!

October 4, 2014

That Thing I Do Now - Vol 64

Happy Weekend, ya'll! I hope you are enjoying Autumn in all her slow unfurling!

I had a friend Vox me pictures of the trees on her walk around her neighborhood and they are all already showing off Autumn Glory... here, the leaves are just beginning to change! I did make my first batch of Pumpkin Spice Chocolate chip cookies though - so Fall has arrived... and I am hoping to have all my Harvest decor out by the end of the weekend!  

It is October, and in Blogland that means a plethora of 31Days series to read and so these lists will be a little shorter, but I will also feature a new (to me) Blogger and one of her 31 Days posts each week! With all the busy and reading and writing, I still managed to gather up some great reads for your entertainment! I would hate to have you miss these posts!

Featured today are posts by Sarah Bessey, Jennifer Dukes Lee, Ann Voskamp, Alia Joy, Rachel Haltiwanger (#Write31Days) and - of course - a video!
Happy Reading! 

(Ya'll know to click on the authors' names to read their whole posts, yes?)

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