Wow... I don't know about you, but I can't tell you how many times, and how many different ways I have heard this phrase: This is a Year of Breakthroughs! 2008 I do believe really WILL BE a year of Breakthroughs! Open doors... Promises Fulfilled... it's all good! And it is... it IS all good... but that doesn't mean that it is all EASY!?
I know for me... I am ready for change and wanting Breakthrough in many areas - but if I just get real 'real' - transparent, honest - with you - what I REALLY want is for the Lord to make it EASY! Isn't that what we ultimately have in mind when we are praying for something?! We pray in faith - but our faith sometimes lines up more with MAKE IT EASY, than it does with YOUR WILL BE DONE. His way so often seems to take the long way... He's not so into short cuts, it seems?! Of course - He is also all about Suddenlies... but it is only Suddenly to us... He has been at work behind the scenes for quite some time!
There are some things that will come about EASY for us this year... some because we have warred and battled enough already over them, and some just because our God is awesome and He (even more than we ourselves) desires to see us free. But, there are things that will come - but they will come after focused, intense work on our part. He will be in it with us, giving us the energy and focus that we need... but we will have to get our hands dirty to reach it and see it come to pass!
So - last week at Prayer, the Lord gave me this vision...
We were entering in to worship and I immediately saw a person pushing through plastic or some thin stretchy material - trying to punch or press through it. I could see the impression of their face & then they fell through... Next, I saw someone (the same person possibly) pushing on a brick wall, starting to pull out bricks and striving to tear down the wall. Suddenly, the Lord rounded the corner and pointed out an Open Gate... this person was being given a choice to breakthrough the hard way, or an easier way... next scene: I see someone (same person?) breakthrough and pop up out of a huge cake. This person broke through with such Joy and exuberance... and yet the room was so quiet and somber. I looked around the room where the cake was and saw that many people seemed to be grieving and were confused and unsure of the disruption. They were not rejoicing. Some were grieving, but as the person rises up out of the cake, their countenance changes and they are rejoicing with the Breakthrough. Lastly, I noticed Jesus, with just a handful of others, who were applauding & shouting with shouts of joy! They were the Expectant & were not caught off guard or surprised at the Breakthrough at all.
The Lord said some will not be happy & will not rejoice with you in your breakthrough.
Some will want to hope but find it hard, & yet are thrilled with and for you in the end.
Jesus & a few others will pray you through and applaud you on! Be prayerful & aware of who you align yourself up with and who you allow to speak into your breakthrough.
So - I pray you are ready and positioned for Breakthrough...
I pray some will be easy and come about at an amazing pace...
and those others - well, I pray you have Cake on your hands!
(Gives another visual of Let Them Eat Cake, doesn't it?)
January 16, 2008
January 3, 2008
Here's to Promises coming to Pass!
Happy New Year!
We had a wonderful holiday season - filled with friends & family,
lighting the Hanukkah Lights, singing Christmas Carols,
& of course, the presents... let's not forget the frenzy of unwrapping gifts!
Aaah - the holidays - I love them & at the same time,
I am so glad that they are over!
I was able to spend some quiet time & peaceful moments
reflecting on the year, & on what the Lord is speaking to me
for this new year to come!
While I was not raised 'the glass is half full' kind of way
- that is now my bent,
& so as I reflected on the past year of 2007
it was surprising even to me to see how difficult it had been.
I found, as I was going through the calendar
attempting to write our Christmas letter,
that for the first time - there were a LOT of hard things
coming back to memory.
Now - in the big picture,
the year was not all that bad...
but I have come to realize that
we live a rather charmed life,
& to have a bit of 'normal' struggle enter in
sort of pushed me off-center at times last year.
However, even with all the loss and drama
I would not change a thing because in the midst of being dizzy
- dazed & confused - I felt the Lord at work!
Many prophetic voices have stated that this New Year
will bring about long awaited answers...
the fulfillment of promises kept & waited for!
Who doesn't love a Fresh Start...
The New Year always bring such Hope...
it is better than a Do-Over because it is NEW...
much like how we are after coming to Christ!
There is such freedom in not having the past
hang over your head & bog you down!
A Fresh Start...
That is what God offers to us each & every day!
His Mercies are new every morning!
Amazing, isn't it?
We have the choice to accept His offer,
& walk into
(not a Do-Over - where we fight to overcome
past failures & mistakes,)
but a Fresh Start - full of promise!
I love this photo... I took it myself right around Christmas time!
We had just experienced a snow storm, & then lots of rain!
Many in our state were experiencing flooding & then, came this:

Isn't that just like God...
to send us a reminder of His Promises!
May He remind you of the Promises
spoken over your life in the coming days,
& stir up in you an anticipation & expectation!
I pray that those long-awaited promises
come to pass for you this year!
May you choose to accept His offer
& make a difference...
Choose Life - that you may live!
In Anticipation,
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