April 8, 2006

Sink or Swim... or maybe Walk on Water!?

For the past few months, I have found myself thinking thoughts that are not my own! My Mind has been wandering in the midst of trying to learn some new tricks... YOU ALL must be doing GREAT, because - apparently, I have become the enemies' playtoy and main attraction!

OK - I know - it's not all that bad. I have been trying to take some steps of faith with my Writing and in my Scrapbooking Business. I've been attempting to learn and grow in my understanding of what is expected of or from me - as a Business Owner and as a Writer! It has - for the most part - been exhausting and overwhelming. This is the thought that keeps playing and replaying through my mind... "I'm just too stupid to do this..." or "It's just too hard... I can't understand it all and I don't have the energy or focus to go through all these hoops!?"

I am just being honest here! I am not a whiner or complainer but these things have seemed - or appeared - to be just too out of my league and beyond my reach! It doesn't matter if - like me - it is battling thoughts regarding new business ideas or ventures, or if it is stepping out into a new ministry, or jumping out of your comfort zone to try something new! The enemy hates it when we step out of the boat... and his first taunting in our minds goes something like this: "Oh NOW you've done it... you are not a good swimmer - you are surely going to sink! What makes you think you have the energy to swim all the way to the shore!?" We have all had these silent battles with our thoughts in the midst of stepping out of our respective 'boats'!

A few weeks ago, I had a vision and the Lord showed me I was walking a path with Him up a hillside... He showed me as He was behind me, beside me, and in front of me - with me all the way! He showed me as we reached the top of the mountain and the trees began to clear away. I walked up to the end of the path and felt Him behind me, nudging me onward! There was cloud cover in a way that I could not see what was down below and I said, "Lord - wait a minute - I cannot see... the path has ended! Let's wait for the clouds to burn off and then I will keep going..." At that point the Lord said to me, "I CAN take away the cloud cover - but it is better for YOU for it to remain there!" I thought He meant for me to jump and I was fearful of that - so I offered to climb down once I could see a bit more clearly... and He replied, "I don't want you to jump, or climb down - I want you to SOAR!"

Jump or Climb... Sink or Swim...

For me - I had been so consumed with the thoughts of having to 'swim' all the way to shore! For instance from having to relearn proper sentence structure and the proper use of ":" and ";"... to writing a complete manuscript 'today' - or having to register with the Dept of Revenue even though it is a new business and there are no taxes to be collected or earnings to report... All of these little details began to drag me down, and I felt as though I had to either Sink or Swim! ...and the Sinking option was beginning to win out!

But - that still small voice began to speak to me this morning... and He said, "Sink or Swim... or how about just Walking on the Water?" Brilliant! Why didn't I think of that?! I had been so tunnel-visioned on the shore and how far away it was - that I forgot that I was not alone! I am not required to have the energy or focus to get from the boat to the shore... I am required to keep my eyes on Jesus and walk with Him on the Water! Yes - those details are important... yes - I will eventually have to have a completed manuscript ready, or to register with the DOR... but today - this day - I am focusing on Jesus and allowing Him to teach me a thing or two about Water Walking!

...Jump or Climb? ...Sink or Swim? We are not limited to those suggestions and options alone! The enemy would have you feel trapped and cornered... but God has greater plans!!!

When we focus in on Him and Him alone - He will teach us to Soar above our Circumstances, and to Walk on the Water with Him! Cliff Diving or Water Walking means to live ABOVE your circumstances... it reminds me that the God I serve is not limited to do things the way the world does things!

There is more than one way to reach the shore when I am walking with Him! What may look like the end of the path to me - or to you - may very well be just what He had planned to cause you to SOAR! So - why don't you come and walk on the water with me?


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