I made it to the party Thursday night and for the first time (at least to that extent) we had some unwelcomed visitors! Normally - all are welcome, but --well, let's just say we're not sure WHY they were using our hashtag! Still - even in the midst of reporting and blocking --we managed to connect with the tribe and encourage each other!
This is Five Minute Friday (- a five minute timed free write) and our One Word Prompt for the day is: ENOUGH (and I'll go ahead and warn you right here that Imma go over my Five Minute Time limit! I've been saving up these words for awhile now!)
Alright, already... here's the Deal:
We have been keeping a little secret.
But finally, enough with the silence already...
We're ready to spill!
There is a struggle for the blogger... for all writers, really -but I think it's especially tricky for bloggers because so much of our writing and posts happen in 'real time', right?
We write from our hearts and out of what He is teaching us... we write about our real life, right now days and the struggle comes in knowing what is MY story to tell and what belongs to someone else!
So often, our stories overlap and intertwine and oh my goodness --the line is paper thin and it's tough to balance it all with honor and grace.
So we've had this secret... We've known this thing. But it wasn't our story to tell and waiting has given us the gift of processing all the feels privately and this is where we spill the beans and then recount how we got from there to here. (And why it was such a short trip.)
Our Girlie is engaged!
But first came this:
I know...
It took me a minute to process it too. It took me a few seconds to connect all the dots and realize what this means.
What this means is that our only Girlie is expecting a baby and we are going to be grandparents!
(We're opting for Papa and Mimi... because, adorbs!)
What this also means is that Life is a Gift and the Giver is Good...
This means that all those times, so many times, in the days heading up to receiving this news (way back in JANUARY, you guys! Yeah --I want some credit!) when God whispered with excitement, "I'm Better than you think!" --well, this was no surprise to Him.
His assurance gave me strength.
While we admit to letting, "So when's the wedding?" slip out right away... we also were quick to recover and put no pressure on these two. A quick wedding will not 'fix' this and what we want for them is nothing rushed into... but something that will last a lifetime!
Listen -it's tricky because we're pastors --well, just because we're Christians, really, and clearly this was not our hope and dream for her.
We let some of our own dreams die along the way of raising her because so often we parents lose our ever-loving minds and somehow we forget that we are not, in fact, raising Jesus. No... just like us, our kids will sin.
It turns out they are human after all and don't live in a perfect world.
They will make their own choices and some of them will be stellar and amazing and will make us all kinds of proud -and some of them? Well, some of them will not turn out to be so smart after all. But they are their choices to make.
We pour in and lift up and come alongside... we offer wisdom when they ask and hold our tongues when they don't. We raise them the best we can and then trust He's got it... (Because He's always had it, if truth be told!)
We learned along the way that Love Wins!
We can't just say it... we have to live it, too!
So, good choices, hard choices, --through every choice... the bottom line is that we want them to know that they are loved, loved, LOVED! --by us, and by Him!
We let the surprise sink in and let the Lord keep singing over us, "I'm Better than you think!" and we moved quickly from shock to celebration!
Is this ideal? No.
*Do we wish it would have happened a little slower, and maybe in a different order? Yeah. Of course we do. From our perspective, that would have made things a bit easier...
But it's not our story and we are not limited to our perspective and while this was unplanned, it is most definitely not unwanted!
So we encourage them to continue to fall in love... to continue to learn each other and to allow their hearts to expand to go from two to three. We pray for them and give them room to breathe... room to grow... room to find their own way... to lean in to each other, and us when needed, and to God as often as they will, and we pray.
Oh how we pray.
What a gift Life is... and what a blessing it is that we truly do love J. and see already how much he adores our Girlie and this new life growing inside of her. We have been keeping a little secret.
But finally, enough with the silence already...
We're ready to spill!
There is a struggle for the blogger... for all writers, really -but I think it's especially tricky for bloggers because so much of our writing and posts happen in 'real time', right?
We write from our hearts and out of what He is teaching us... we write about our real life, right now days and the struggle comes in knowing what is MY story to tell and what belongs to someone else!
So often, our stories overlap and intertwine and oh my goodness --the line is paper thin and it's tough to balance it all with honor and grace.
So we've had this secret... We've known this thing. But it wasn't our story to tell and waiting has given us the gift of processing all the feels privately and this is where we spill the beans and then recount how we got from there to here. (And why it was such a short trip.)
Our Girlie is engaged!
But first came this:
I know...
It took me a minute to process it too. It took me a few seconds to connect all the dots and realize what this means.
What this means is that our only Girlie is expecting a baby and we are going to be grandparents!
(We're opting for Papa and Mimi... because, adorbs!)
What this also means is that Life is a Gift and the Giver is Good...
This means that all those times, so many times, in the days heading up to receiving this news (way back in JANUARY, you guys! Yeah --I want some credit!) when God whispered with excitement, "I'm Better than you think!" --well, this was no surprise to Him.
His assurance gave me strength.
While we admit to letting, "So when's the wedding?" slip out right away... we also were quick to recover and put no pressure on these two. A quick wedding will not 'fix' this and what we want for them is nothing rushed into... but something that will last a lifetime!
Listen -it's tricky because we're pastors --well, just because we're Christians, really, and clearly this was not our hope and dream for her.
We let some of our own dreams die along the way of raising her because so often we parents lose our ever-loving minds and somehow we forget that we are not, in fact, raising Jesus. No... just like us, our kids will sin.
It turns out they are human after all and don't live in a perfect world.
They will make their own choices and some of them will be stellar and amazing and will make us all kinds of proud -and some of them? Well, some of them will not turn out to be so smart after all. But they are their choices to make.
We pour in and lift up and come alongside... we offer wisdom when they ask and hold our tongues when they don't. We raise them the best we can and then trust He's got it... (Because He's always had it, if truth be told!)
We learned along the way that Love Wins!
We can't just say it... we have to live it, too!
So, good choices, hard choices, --through every choice... the bottom line is that we want them to know that they are loved, loved, LOVED! --by us, and by Him!
We let the surprise sink in and let the Lord keep singing over us, "I'm Better than you think!" and we moved quickly from shock to celebration!
Is this ideal? No.
*Do we wish it would have happened a little slower, and maybe in a different order? Yeah. Of course we do. From our perspective, that would have made things a bit easier...
But it's not our story and we are not limited to our perspective and while this was unplanned, it is most definitely not unwanted!
So we encourage them to continue to fall in love... to continue to learn each other and to allow their hearts to expand to go from two to three. We pray for them and give them room to breathe... room to grow... room to find their own way... to lean in to each other, and us when needed, and to God as often as they will, and we pray.
Oh how we pray.
They are young... but hey, weren't we all --relatively, anyway!
We are never prepared or truly 'ready'.
And honestly, with God and grace and love and a willingness to learn, they are going to be amazing at this whole unexpected, unpredictable, wild ride of parenthood!
I asked her if I could write about this today... this was her response:
I mean... we nailed parenting (clearly) so... we trust that they will do just fine!
They are surrounded with love and support and a God who chases after them, who calls them His own, and who loves them more than we ever could... and He just keeps whispering, "I'm better than you think!"
...and we think He's pretty good, so we're just gonna keep on taking Him at His word!

* - This is when my Five Minutes were up... clearly - I was not done yet! (Thanks for grace... in more ways than one!)
Linking up with Kate Motaung and the #fmfparty Community today. Five Minute Fridays gives us the chance to dive right in and share what He puts on our hearts! Click HERE to read what others have to say about: "ENOUGH"
Linking up with Kate Motaung and the #fmfparty Community today. Five Minute Fridays gives us the chance to dive right in and share what He puts on our hearts! Click HERE to read what others have to say about: "ENOUGH"
I'm also linking up with the lovely writer communities linked below:
Your post is so beautiful and grace-filled, Karrilee. Our children don't always make the decisions we wish they would, but when you think about it, we don't always make the best decisions either. But God has it all under control, and I'm so thankful that He does.
ReplyDeleteSo many blessings to you and yours!! What an exciting time! xoxo
Thanks so much, Gayl! It really IS an exciting time! (And now that the 'secret' is out - we feel like we can fully celebrate!) xoxo
DeleteCongrats on being a grandma but that's a hard one! Love is always the answer https://writeitout2017.wordpress.com/2017/04/08/enough-5-minute-prompt/
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by, Heather! Love Wins... every time. (If we let it!)
DeleteI love your thoughts on this. I was pregnant and unmarried in the church and completely shunned. Members asked the pastor to kick me out. He and his wife came around me with zero judgement and supported me the entire time. It made a lasting impact on my life.
ReplyDeleteOh Melissa... first of all, thank you so much for sharing your story! And secondly, I am so sorry that you went through that! Praise God for that couple who stood with you and for you and loved you like Jesus!
DeleteOh friend....you kept this secret for so long. Thank You for trusting us with it now. I'm excited for you to be a Mimi. And I might just have to share with you and spoil this little one too! You're always teaching me about life. Love you so much friend!! I'm over in the 39 spot!
ReplyDeleteLove you, friend! Two weeks! In two weeks, we get to find out if it is a Boy or a Girl! xoxo (Then the official spoiling can begin! But #DonttellDave!) ;)
DeleteThis is such a beautiful story of love and grace. I need love and grace to flow out of my parenting more, and as you might remember my kids are only almost 8, 5, and 4. I need God's love to take over me. Thank you for sharing your girlie's (and your family's) story. -Jolene
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Jolene! I think some of what has helped me (and believe me, I have made my fair share of parenting mistakes!) is to remember that as much as I am teaching them, God uses them to teach me. When I mess up or lose my cool, I am quick to apologize (or back in the day --put myself in time out!) ;) Praying for you as you navigate raising three Littles into Grown Ups who you will actually want to hang out with! Grace and Love in abundance! xoxo
DeleteOh, what a beautiful gift of Grace and Love that you are giving your dear ones! And you will enjoy the beautiful gift that God gives back to you, as your family grows! Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Bettie! We are finally able to fully celebrate out in the open... which simply means the excitement level is rising quickly!
DeleteIf we believe God doesn't make mistakes and that His timing is always perfect,(After all, how many times in ministry do we say those exact words?), then we can hold the truth high that this child is all blessing, and that God will hold these two up with His right hand. A child is ALWAYS something to celebrate and rejoice, no matter what the circumstances are. If we as pastors let shame or naysaying bow our head low for a situation that is not in your control and one that holds so much hope and blessing, how can we preach for those who feel shamed to hold their head high because Jesus is our Redeemer. God will give this young family the life He promised, even if it isn't quite what you or they had planned. All they have to do is reach out and grab hold of it. Praying for your Girlie and her two loves, and for Mimi and Papa. The future is bright and full of promise.
ReplyDeleteSo true... all of it! All of what you stated here, Sheri! Thank you for the reminder --and the prayers! Both are greatly appreciated, friend!
DeleteOh this is beautiful. I'm in tears as I can sense your intense for your girlie, the man who lovers her and this precious gift of life that grows inside her womb. As pastors, I wouldn't expect you to handle this any other way. Our kiddos will make mistakes, just as we as parents do, but what make all the difference is how those mistakes are handled by those who have been called of the Lord to lead and guide. We offer love and grace and hope and well, your girlie and him and this precious little one they are going to be just fine. P.S. - being a Nana has been so incredible. We are adding another grandson to our fold in about 7 weeks. So excited for you all!
ReplyDeleteYes and Amen (and Congrats to you, too!) Love you, friend! xoxo
DeleteEnough is enough already! Yay to grandparent hood!!!
ReplyDeleteYay is right! xoxo
DeleteBeautiful, Karrilee! So much grace and love <3 (My parents are a Papa and a Mimi, too ;)
ReplyDeleteI love it, Sarah Jo! I had never heard of Mimi for Grandma before but a friend from church just became a Grandma last month and didn't like any of the names for Grandma... they settled on Mimi and I told her I was taking that, too! I love it!
DeleteCongratulations! You'll make wonderful grandparents :). I feel all your feels about our girls doing things in a order we wouldn't choose. You're right. It's difficult to let those expectations go and embrace reality. But the embrace is always easier with love :).
ReplyDeleteAmen, sweet friend! Love Wins... when we partner with it/Him --it's always so much easier to trust! Love you, Anita! Praying for all of our girlies! xoxo
DeleteI am glad I finally get to read more of the story. I saw the announcement on Facebook and much like Melissa Haag I didn't see the final pictures the first time around. My parents were pregnant with my oldest brother when they got married. They had 3 other children and will celebrate their 38th anniversary this year. They also have 8 grandchildren.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing that testimony, Natalie! (And yes... my Honey was saying that they weren't very clear in their announcement and yet --THEY USED EMOJI's, soooo....) ;) LOL!
ReplyDeleteWho cares about calendars? This is a BABY!
31 at FMF this week.
Amen and Amen, brother! Thanks so much! A Baby is ALWAYS worthy of celebration!
DeleteI think deep down many of us wonder how we would walk through this also Karrilee, and this is beautiful! I love the message God gave you to show you hope and strength. So much in life is not ideal, but God has a way of bringing it all together. Praying blessings over this baby, over their union and over your beautiful family.
ReplyDeleteHe really IS better than we think! He makes beautiful things out of the dust... and out of the messes we find ourselves in and the choices we make... He is at work all the time, working things out for our good! Thanks so much for the love and support, and of course for the prayers!
DeleteOh this is so beautiful. It IS hard to let go of OUR dreams for our kids - but God's dreams are bigger and better. Congratulations Mimi. Enjoy this gift!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Carol! Now that the news is out, we feel like we can fully celebrate and get excited!
DeleteKarrilee, I'm reminded that God promise to work all things together for the good of those who love Him, even when we get things out of order. How special He prepared you so you could celebrate with your daughter. May the Lord bless you all in a very special way.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Debbie! He truly IS better than we think!
DeleteWonderful post. So full of faith, hope, and love - and the greatest of these is love.
ReplyDeleteAmen and Amen! Thanks, Jeannie!
DeleteWell firstly- congratulations! A brand new grandbaby to love! I have two daughters in their 20s and understand well that fine line you mention of when to speak and when to keep quiet. I sometimes get it wrong : ) Im actually with both my girls this week and I prayed a lot about that very thing before getting here. My oldest lives in WA and my youndef daughter and hubs and I in SC. She is expecting our first grandbaby later this summer and my heart feels like it's going to overflow. Enjoy this new little person joining your family. May God bless you and your daughter as you navigate this new path.
DeleteThanks so much, Joyce! Where in WA does your oldest live? I am in WA too - smack in the very center (Yakima) Praying for your time with your girlies this week! What a blessing!
DeleteCongratulations! So much to celebrate. And I love this post. You handled it with such grace and love. Enjoy being a Mimi! <3
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Rachel! xoxo