January 15, 2023

Receive - A return to the Five Minute Friday Post


This is a Five Minute Friday post... It has been a long, long while since I have played along with this practice, this community... but I am hoping to get back to some sort of consistency in sitting in this chair and typing words together... In case you are new - or like me, may have forgotten -  Five Minute Friday posts are when I set a timer and free-write for five minutes flat. Sometimes I then add graphics and format a bit, but the actual writing stops (or at least is given an asterisk!) when my timer goes off! I'm out of practice in all things writing but here I sit... leaning in, and getting back to some old practices!  Here we go!

Today, our one-word prompt is: RECEIVE



I see the word prompt and immediately remember doing a post on this word years and years ago... maybe around Christmas time.  I am also reminded that it has been WAY too long since I have sat in this space and tapped on keys to reveal my heart.

I stepped away from the Blogging World a while ago. It was a slow fade for me... 

January 1, 2023

Our Annual Prophetic Post for the New Year - 2023 Edition

Happy New Year, Sweet Readers!

Honestly - I didn't mean to be gone for nearly an entire year!  I wrote a post last week and didn't get too into all the why's of why I was absent here but let me say this - it was not intentional! I didn't decide to walk away from blogging, from writing, from connecting in this space... Life just sort of crowded it out and I felt a call for a season to hold many things closer to my chest.  I was called (--am still called, really!) to a more intense season of intercession. Between that, regular life, plugging back into church/ministry, a part-time job and schooling, and - of course - being a Mimi, Blogging got pushed to the side.

For now... I want to say, Here we are! We made it through 2022 and we are winding down the first full day of 2023! Once again, I am SO READY for a Brand New Year... a Fresh New Start... a Blank, clean slate! The Hope and Energy that accompanies the dawning of a new year is tangible and the pull towards Goal Setting and Dream pursuing and the endless possibilities for GOOD... well, it seems to only last for a few days, right?  So - the standing Open Invitation and long-running Date I have with the Lord continues and He woke me up early this morning, already speaking about 2023!

And that means it is time for our Annual Prophetic Post for the start of the New Year!

Before we dive into what God spoke to my heart about 2023, let's briefly look back at 2022...

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