So remember the last time I wrote (--neither do I!) and I mentioned finding a rhythm in writing... yeah. That. Except exactly the opposite! You guys... I just haven't had a lot of words and the ones I've been mulling over, well --they are just not for now. But I miss you... and this discipline of writing out my hopes and thoughts and processing my feelings as I type. (You know, like free therapy! You're welcome to come along for the ride as I preach to myself here!)
This is Five Minute Friday (- a five minute timed free write) and our One Word Prompt for the day is: REFINE
I see the word and oh how I know I need it!
I need to be refined...
I've been pacing in my heart, and having conversations with myself in my mind, and I've been trying to make room for my whole authentic self to rise up... to show up.. to dwell.
Ah yes...
my #oneword365 for the year!
I am longing to dwell this year --to find this one beautiful word and invite it in to abide with me. And in allowing His Spirit to guide me... His, and not my own-- I am learning how to create space for dwelling.
This is a vital first step...
I see the word and oh how I know I need it!
I need to be refined...
I've been pacing in my heart, and having conversations with myself in my mind, and I've been trying to make room for my whole authentic self to rise up... to show up.. to dwell.
Ah yes...
my #oneword365 for the year!
I am longing to dwell this year --to find this one beautiful word and invite it in to abide with me. And in allowing His Spirit to guide me... His, and not my own-- I am learning how to create space for dwelling.
This is a vital first step...
But after we train our hearts and ears to let His Spirit be the boss of us, we must then refine what it is that we dwell on in all of our dwelling!
I have spoken over and over about how God supernaturally changed my bent from one of worry, doubt, and fear to one of peace, hope, and faith years and years ago!
He did... He has.
But sometimes I forget...
Sometimes I give in to the thoughts that I know are wrong --or at least a little 'off', you know what I mean?
You do. I know you do. Because you do it, too!
We all do it!
We allow one little thought to enter in, assumption or whispered fear.
We allow an old wound to be picked at and prodded, giving access to the enemy to whisper old news straight to our hearts.
We Lean in and Listen to Lies,
...rather than Take Heart and Tackle the Truth.
I don't know about you... but for me?
In order to allow the Spirit to refine what I dwell on... first I must invite Him in to refine WHO I dwell on, right?
To Refine means to improve something by making small changes.
To Dwell means to remain for a time, to live as a resident, to keep your focus and attention directed on one thing or one person.
For me... if I am not mindful... if I am not purposeful in what I turn my attention to or where I allow my thoughts to roam, I can end up needing all kinds of refining because I can find myself dwelling on anything but the One whom I desire to dwell on and with!
I am like Paul... and the things I long to do, I don't do... and the things I wish I wouldn't just keep cycling back around.
I haven't felt the need to battle in my mind for a long time and suddenly over the course of a few weeks, I found a battle raging against the call to quiet my own thoughts and feelings... to sit in silence! (Ah yes... I was longing for the silence that I so dreaded a few years ago!)
How do we refine what we dwell on?
Well - we must be intentional... we must be willing to make small changes --even if they feel insignificant or irrational*...
We must hunger and thirst for His Presence and that, in turn, stirs up a desire to Dwell -on and with- the Lover of our souls and the Redeemer of our hearts!
Who else, really, would we want to Dwell with?
Do we need community? Yes. Of course! I wrote about that last time I sat in this chair...
But we HAVE community with Jesus and we must first make dwelling with Him our priority! We must refine our desire to rush this... to cross off our quiet time and just move along to what is next on our list! To push through prayer and get on with our days!
I, who loves to spend hours with the Lord, have felt pressure to DO... to be productive... to have something to show for my time... and yet... I am answering this call to slow... to sit... to dwell. For I know it will bring forth the fruit that I desire... but it is a discipline to hold tight to the boundaries that He is setting for me.
We are diving in to the book of Acts this year and let me tell you - one thing they did well in the early church is they were DWELLERS... willing to wait on His Presence and follow His lead.
Listen, sweet friends... it's not enough to know that we are called to dwell with Him. It's a great place to start... to want to do it. That is powerful and sweet and there is nothing that will benefit us more... but this is what undoes me and raptures my heart:
We become HIS Dwelling place! (Eph 2:22)
No matter what you may be facing, I can promise you that you're not facing it alone!
And no matter how much you may want to dwell in the Presence of the Lord, I can assure you that He desires it more... and He is right there... waiting for your full attention... for your open heart... for your willingness to slow... to stop... to dwell!
How do we refine what we dwell on?

It's simple... we dwell with Him!
(He is always willing to do the refining work and carry the heavy load... He just longs for us to walk beside Him in the cool of the day and in the dark of night!)
I have spoken over and over about how God supernaturally changed my bent from one of worry, doubt, and fear to one of peace, hope, and faith years and years ago!
He did... He has.
But sometimes I forget...
Sometimes I give in to the thoughts that I know are wrong --or at least a little 'off', you know what I mean?
You do. I know you do. Because you do it, too!
We all do it!
We allow one little thought to enter in, assumption or whispered fear.
We allow an old wound to be picked at and prodded, giving access to the enemy to whisper old news straight to our hearts.
We Lean in and Listen to Lies,
...rather than Take Heart and Tackle the Truth.
I don't know about you... but for me?
In order to allow the Spirit to refine what I dwell on... first I must invite Him in to refine WHO I dwell on, right?
To Refine means to improve something by making small changes.
To Dwell means to remain for a time, to live as a resident, to keep your focus and attention directed on one thing or one person.
For me... if I am not mindful... if I am not purposeful in what I turn my attention to or where I allow my thoughts to roam, I can end up needing all kinds of refining because I can find myself dwelling on anything but the One whom I desire to dwell on and with!
I am like Paul... and the things I long to do, I don't do... and the things I wish I wouldn't just keep cycling back around.
I haven't felt the need to battle in my mind for a long time and suddenly over the course of a few weeks, I found a battle raging against the call to quiet my own thoughts and feelings... to sit in silence! (Ah yes... I was longing for the silence that I so dreaded a few years ago!)
How do we refine what we dwell on?
Well - we must be intentional... we must be willing to make small changes --even if they feel insignificant or irrational*...
We must hunger and thirst for His Presence and that, in turn, stirs up a desire to Dwell -on and with- the Lover of our souls and the Redeemer of our hearts!
Who else, really, would we want to Dwell with?
Do we need community? Yes. Of course! I wrote about that last time I sat in this chair...
But we HAVE community with Jesus and we must first make dwelling with Him our priority! We must refine our desire to rush this... to cross off our quiet time and just move along to what is next on our list! To push through prayer and get on with our days!
I, who loves to spend hours with the Lord, have felt pressure to DO... to be productive... to have something to show for my time... and yet... I am answering this call to slow... to sit... to dwell. For I know it will bring forth the fruit that I desire... but it is a discipline to hold tight to the boundaries that He is setting for me.
We are diving in to the book of Acts this year and let me tell you - one thing they did well in the early church is they were DWELLERS... willing to wait on His Presence and follow His lead.
Listen, sweet friends... it's not enough to know that we are called to dwell with Him. It's a great place to start... to want to do it. That is powerful and sweet and there is nothing that will benefit us more... but this is what undoes me and raptures my heart:
We become HIS Dwelling place! (Eph 2:22)
No matter what you may be facing, I can promise you that you're not facing it alone!
And no matter how much you may want to dwell in the Presence of the Lord, I can assure you that He desires it more... and He is right there... waiting for your full attention... for your open heart... for your willingness to slow... to stop... to dwell!
How do we refine what we dwell on?

It's simple... we dwell with Him!
(He is always willing to do the refining work and carry the heavy load... He just longs for us to walk beside Him in the cool of the day and in the dark of night!)
I hope to be back soon... but you know how that goes!
He leads... and I follow!
Until next time, my friends, let's be intentional in Dwelling... and let's purpose to:
I hope to be back soon... but you know how that goes!
He leads... and I follow!
Until next time, my friends, let's be intentional in Dwelling... and let's purpose to:
Linking up with Kate Motaung and the #fmfparty Community today. Five Minute Fridays gives us the chance to dive right in and share what He puts on our hearts! Click HERE to read what others have to say about: "REFINE"
I'm also linking up with the lovely writer community linked below:
Holly Barrett for #TestimonyTuesday
Kelly Balarie for #RaRaLinkUp
God has been teaching me about Rest and the Sabbath for a few years now... but you know how it is! You learn something new... you come to know it... but then sometimes you forget! (You too, right? Please say that it's not just me!) Well, in 2015 I wrote a 31 Days series on Resting in God and last fall I turned it into a daily devotional eBook, available on Amazon!
Check out 31 Days of Resting in God's easier/harder than you think! and read just a few minutes a day and learn (or remember) how to tap into the Rest we so desperately need!
You can purchase it by clicking here or grabbing it from the side bar to the right if Rest is something you know you need, but just keep putting off!
Check out 31 Days of Resting in God's easier/harder than you think! and read just a few minutes a day and learn (or remember) how to tap into the Rest we so desperately need!
You can purchase it by clicking here or grabbing it from the side bar to the right if Rest is something you know you need, but just keep putting off!
Loved this Karrilee! I let thoughts of the enemy find themselves too comfortable in my thinking often. Thanks for the post!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Julie! And thanks for stopping by! Praying we both remember WHO we dwell with, and what He wants us to dwell ON!
DeleteBeautiful, Karrilee. I like your word of the year. I don't think I've heard that one before. Blessings to you this year as you dwell with the One who dwells in us. :)
ReplyDeleteIsn't it just so romantic? (Last year, my word was Change --and I was not so much a fan... so I'm over the moon that I love my word this year!) Thanks so much for stopping by!
DeleteWelcome back. I have missed reading your posts. Such a good one!
ReplyDeleteLife, man! ;) Thanks for the welcome back... I missed being here and I'm always thankful to see your smiling face pop on by!
DeleteI've missed you friend. Love this post. And I forgot too!
ReplyDeleteIt felt good to be back... love you, friend!
DeleteI always love your writing my friend. Oh I long to dwell too!
ReplyDeleteMy Kindred sister... you are always too kind! Let us dwell together and watch and see what He does in us and through us this year! xoxo
DeleteAwesome word! Thanks my friend!
ReplyDeleteLove you, Syl! xoxo