September 19, 2016

When Small Wonders Make an Impact... #TheEncouragementDare

I'm not sure if y'all missed it, but for the first two weeks of September, Dayspring invited us all to participate in #TheEncouragementDare

I shared about it and participated in it more in real life and on facebook and instagram, but didn't really post much about it here.  I meant to, but I was busy writing less and encouraging more! (Ya see what I did there?)

When the dare was brought to my attention, of course I said yes! Encouragement is sort of my jam and even my tagline here (which is my life message) lends itself to taking this dare... this challenge... on a daily basis! 

I mention it every now and then (sarcastic font) that we have planted a church and with Fall and Back to School fast approaching, it was perfect timing for us, as a church, to take on this Dare immediately!

You see, our church has sort of 'adopted' the local public elementary school just down the road from where we gather on Sundays.  We began a relationship with the staff last year when we first opened our doors and it was important to us to love our neighbors well.  

September 15, 2016

The Danger of Being Too Busy to Listen... a Five Minute Friday post

I made it, y'all! I made it to the party and it felt so good to just pop in and reconnect and say hello! I truly am hoping to make this part of my weekly routine once again! We'll just call it self-care and block out the calendar on Thursday evenings! 

This is Five Minute Friday (- a five minute timed free write) and our One Word Prompt for the day is: LISTEN


I am like a broken record when it comes to how God is just always, always, ALWAYS speaking to us!

He is never out of words or giving us the silent treatment.

I know... I know sometimes it feels like that! 

I have written it myself --about my Summer of Silence and how God was less than chatty with me (and how I was not a fan of that!) but even during those months, He was speaking. 

I just had to learn a new way to listen!

It's been no secret lately that I have been tired.

September 13, 2016

When You Know a Good Trade... A Mile Wide Book Review Post

I originally applied to be on Jen Hatmaker's Launch Team for For the Love (because, of course!) Because, well -- I'm no stalker, but I do love me some Jen Hatmaker.  The Team would only consist of 500 people and quickly the thousands (literally) of us who didn't make the team went rogue (at least on Twitter!) and the hashtag #the4500 was created and we became the unofficial backup team.

So when her husband Brandon went to gather a Launch Team for his newest release A Mile Wide he invited us all to play along! With the subtitle of the book being "Trading a Shallow Religion for a Deeper Faith" --well, I know a good trade when I see one!

A Mile Wide: Trading a Shallow Religion for a Deeper Faith by Brandon Hatmaker should be required reading for anyone involved in ministry (which, by the way, is all of us!) 

It's so much more than just Kingdom vs. Religion. It's filled with actual how-to's and tips on how to deepen your walk and actually live out your calling! I finished my ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) and immediately ordered two hardbacks... which I am pretty sure I will be giving away and ordering more!

Brandon is the real deal. He is a straight shooter and as much as I stalk love his wife, I had to break it to my Honey and I was falling for Brandon, too! This Hatmaker team together? World changers! And this book? It's a Game Changer!

September 8, 2016

When He Comes to Heal... a Five Minute Friday post

You guys! I was all set. I even told the Hubby that I had plans of partying AND writing on Thursday night. Like in the olden days.  So he made himself a fishing date with a friend and I had the house to myself. I was early to the party on Twitter and while I waited for everyone to show up --well, I got distracted in all the best ways by a full house! (Read: my Mama... my girlie... and my grand puppy!)

But it's a step in the right direction. It is leading me back to (que heavenly choir!) a glorious routine! Maybe next week I will actually get to chat live. Maybe. 

This is Five Minute Friday (- a five minute timed free write) and our One Word Prompt for the day is: HEAL


I was sick last week.

Like - all week. In bed.

I am not 'good' at being sick, mostly because I have been blessed with good health and have not been laid out flat too many times. So I try not to complain.

Last week, however... I got slammed

It was most likely just a virus of some kind. Nothing really major --and yet, combined with the sneak attack on my emotions and mind too, I felt ransacked and violated by an enemy who just never, ever let's up or backs off.

(Read: Taylor Swift. "Like. Ever.")

September 7, 2016

When Building the Kingdom Happens by Falling Free - A Book Review post

know? Two posts in one week? What is this craziness?  

In all my basking in sickness, once my head was not so fuzzy, I was able to actually sit (--or lay, #dontjudge!) and read all the books! Well, at least a few of them!

One of those books was one I told myself I was going to savor and read slowly... but reading Shannan is like eating chips and salsa (#yourewelcome!) and you can't just eat a few at a time! Before you know it, you have devoured it and are ready for a second plate --or, read through, whatever! You see what I'm trying to do with the metaphor.

When I found out
that Shannan Martin
was writing
a book called
Falling Free,
I was all,
of course!

September 5, 2016

When You Are Longing For a Path to Take You Away - A Five Minute Friday post

I know... I'm a broken record about how I keep missing out on the party but, Life, man! It keeps pulling me thin and pushing me around! I made it over to Twitter for a few on Thursday night, but I've been fighting off fatigue paired with some fun (read: only NOT!) little bug that kept me in bed for most of the week! 

But I'm here now... and mostly upright, so let's do this thing:

This is Five Minute Friday (- a five minute timed free write) and our One Word Prompt for the day is: PATH


I have been stuck in the Book of Psalms lately.

I blame it on The Passion Translation and needing a bit of poetic fire in my life, or maybe it's the searching for contentment and needing encouragement.

Either way - I am thankful for it! Reading familiar passages in new-to-you translations, I am finding, gives me all of the above!

Just the other day I ran across this gem in Psalm 25 and I had to look it up in The Message Bible, too! (Because, of course!)

"From now on every road you travel will take you to God.
Follow the Covenant signs; Read the charted directions." Ps 25:10 The Message
So good, right?

This is how it reads in The Passion Translation:

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