February 19, 2015

An Invitation to Live Life Wide OPEN - A Five Minute Friday Post

I love the #fmfparty Community that gathers on Twitter and all across the Inter Webs on Thursday nights and on Fridays... on into the next week, where we encourage and uplift... where we share prayer requests and praise reports... where we talk food and friends and we find support and kindred hearts and we are reminded that life is good and God is good and we are not alone... and then we all write for five minutes flat, a flash mob of wordsmiths letting our hearts and our fingers do the talking tapping and we hit publish before we can second guess... we just let Him flow! 

Here is our Word Prompt for the day: OPEN


Live your life wide open.
Yeah. That.
Because who doesn't want to live like Bob Goff anyway?

Bob Goff is contagious with love and joy and believing impossible things... He invites anyone and everyone to join in and come along and be a part and he shows us how to make room, how to keep inviting more... how to live out loud in our hospitality and grace.  He lives life this way and oh my goodness he makes us all want to believe God and live like this, too!

It was Bob who explained how he instructs his clients to sit in the courtroom with their hands wide open, palms facing upward, while being questioned during a deposition.

It's easier to stay calm, honest, and accurate with your hands open, he said.  It's also harder to get defensive or angry. 

Bob goes on to say that Jesus taught him this practice and that he used to go around with clinched fists, defensive and afraid that people would take advantage of him.  In his book, Love Does, (which I highly recommend, by the way!) he invites the reader to try it.  To literally put the book down and clinch your fists real tight. Next, rest your hands on your legs, wide open, and palms up... (For real, do it!)

It's amazing how you can feel the difference!

In this world, filled with Anger and Injustice and so many Heavy and Hard things coming at us, may we remember to be people who live with hearts wide open... with hands wide open... palms up, ready and willing to pour out the Abiding Love and Abounding Grace that God so freely gives.

This week has been tough.  This year... this world... this life

It can be hard... It can weigh us down and push us around. We can feel that we are entitled to our bitterness because of all our wounds, and we have rights in our thirsty pursuit for revenge justice because we've been wronged... Oh how we have been wronged! ...or someone... someone has been wronged... and, well, someone has got. to. pay.

And yes... Yes... 

Someone already saw that need...
Someone already paid that price!

Jesus laid down and spilled out, so that we could stand up and be infilled with all His crazy, ridiculous, merciful Grace! 

He allowed His heart and His hands to be pierced, so that ours could be made whole...
so that we could live our lives with hands and hearts wide open, doling out grace and love and making more room at the Table!


This is your invitation.  There is always room at the Table, when we live life wide open!

I encourage you to sit, with hands and heart wide open, palms up... and let this song sink in deep...

Five Minute Fridays gives us the chance to dive right in and share what He puts on our hearts! Click here to read what others have to say about "OPEN"

Oh ...the fine print: if you don't know what FMF is!  Five Minute Fridays have been hosted by Lisa Jo Baker.  This week we start gathering over at Kate Motaung's.  FMF is open to anyone, so to learn more about it - and to jump in yourself (the more the merrier!) or just to find a linky to see what everyone is writing about today - click HERE!  The idea is to simply write... for Five Minutes flat... no editing, no deep thinking - or at least REthinking, no spell check - just write! Let it flow! We all write using a prompt that Lisa posts at 10pm Thursday night (EST.)  I'm loving the community of amazing bloggers and the creativity that flows from these magical Five Minutes!

I am also linking up with the Community over at:


  1. I just love you. That is all. And your words and insight and how you sit with your palms open because you know it makes you love bigger. I'm going to take this trick and teach it to my students, and my kids. It's hard to be open sometimes, and we always want some one to pay-and you nailed it, someone already did. {hugs} to you, sweets sister!

    1. Oh I love this, Marcy - that you are going to teach it to you students and your Littles... I love you so, and Faith and Culture will just not be the same without you, girlie! (Unless... you're going? holds breath in anticipation?)

  2. What a fantastic passionate post! I absolutely love the fire coming from this!!! And as a side note- I've gotta read that book!

    1. Well - wow... I need to go back and reread this! ;) Sometimes those Five minutes just fly by and you hit publish without really knowing what you said! (And yes - side note - you MUST read Love Does!!! It's so good!) Thanks for stopping by!

  3. This is beautiful Karrilee. I agree with Shannon above. There is fire coming from this! You're making me want to read that Bob Goff book for sure! I'd heard of it, and now I really want to read it. Let's live wide open! Amen!

    1. Oh Betsy, I hope you do! I hope you get your hands and heart on the book and let it change you in all the best ways... it opens us up to possibilities! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  4. I've never heard of Bob Goff ;). But the book sounds wonderful and I'm going to definitely try the hands open, palms up technique the next time I'm in a stressful situation!

    1. Oh my friend... you will LOVE him! He's infectious in all the best ways! And yes, honestly - it is quite amazing how well it works! You'll have to try it and let me know!

  5. Anonymous5:16 AM

    I so agree about Bob Goff and how could anyone not want to pursue Jesus the way he does. I still can't believe I haven't read the book - yet! Great example of open you shared Karrilee. Thanks!

    1. Oh friend... do yourself a favor and get your hands on that book! (I didn't even link it with an affiliate link because I didn't want anyone to think I was less than honest in my urging that everyone read it!)

  6. Life is hard and lately I have found that my hands and my heart have been closed tightly but God is teaching me to open more and more. Thank you for always encourging me to be open. Love you sweetie !!

    1. Oh my sweet friend... I love you so and I know that things are so up in the air and it feels safer to clinch fists and hold on tightly... but there is so much freedom in just letting go, leaning in, and trusting Him in it all! He's got you! Practice the palms up... literally, when you are feeling stressed or anxious, simply rest your hands on your legs and place them palms up, close your eyes and breathe in and out slowly a few times... He will meet you right there and you will feel the Peace wash over you! I love you right back, sister!

  7. Amen, my friend! Amen! (Let's do it!) xoxo

  8. Thank you, Karen, for popping on over to my little corner of the interwebs!

  9. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Sounds like a great book! I've found my heart and hands closed to God and people lately, too. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's just the monotony of this winter, sucking the life right out of me, but I just feel like closing up rather than stepping out in faith. Thanks for the encouraging words!

    1. Oh friend... the book is great, and I highly recommend it! I also recommend the literal practice of - in the midst of anxiety or stress or worry or fear... to rest your hands, wide open, palms up... Praying for you! Two things I know for sure... He is for you, and He is near!

  10. I never knew what it was like to open. To unclench fists and surrender my heart. The funny thing was...I never even knew they were clenched. Never knew it was all locked up. Perhaps it's a bit like that test you described above where we clinch our fists tightly and then feel the difference upon the release - and holding our palms face up. I am so encouraged by your words. Thank you, friend!

    1. It's so true, Jennifer... we can live so much of our lives, closed off and clinched up, and not even know it! But oh the peace and freedom that unfolds when we let go, open up, and release... Let's live life wide open... palms up!

  11. This is he 2nd place today that I have seen Bob Goff's book recommended. I think I MUST get this book and read it mainly because I really do want to be better at loving and living wide open! Thanks for your words of encouragement to do this.

    1. I think you are correct1 You simply MUST get your hands on this book! So thankful you stopped by!

  12. My friend Joni gave me that book and it is on my to read pile. I think it will have to move to the top of the list. I want my heart to always be open too! Beautiful post friend!

    1. Oh friend... yes - move it on up to the top! You will love it... it stirs you up and makes you want to live wide open!

  13. Great reminder! I need to re-read Love Does.

    1. Wasn't it great? I need to reread it as well So glad you stopped by!

  14. Great reminder, I have had to learn that not holding onto anger and bitterness is huge, even if a relationship comes to an end, it is so important to forgive the other person and love them even if it is from a distance. Thanks girl, I love that your heart that is so full of Jesus.

    1. It really does end up only holding us captive... unforgiveness and bitterness. It's so much freer to live palms up! Thanks for stopping by Tobi!

  15. Oooh, I really like the direction you went with this word. Love Does is one of my favorite books. I even have a keychain that my best friend got me that says "Love Does". It reminds me to live my life wide open!

    1. I love that, Natalie! It was one of my favorite books and seeing Bob and Sweet Maria at If:Gathering just reminded me a couple of weeks ago of how much it stirred me up! I need to get it out and reread it again! Here to living Wide Open, my friend!

  16. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Amen girl! Jesus already paid the price! I heard Bob Goff speak with his wife at the IF:Gathering a few weeks ago and immediately thought how I would love to be his friend. What an amazing quality to have. Praying you have a weekend full of hands and hearts wide open experiences. Blessings!

    1. Wouldn't being his friend just be amazing? He is so contagious - I can't imagine how spending a weekend with him would change your life but I just know that it would! Thanks so much, Mary! Praying you have the same kind of weekend, friend!

  17. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Thanks for the reminder that there is always room at the Table for all of us. I tend to shut down when I feel like I've been left out or overlooked. Always need to remember that God never leaves me out or overlooks me which will help me remain open to all that He has for me.

    1. Oh yes, Holly... I think we all battle with that left out feeling from time to time, for we all want to belong... to be welcomed in... and thank goodness, He is always making room, scooting over, pulling up a chair right by His side! So thankful for you, friend! Thanks for stopping by! There is always a chair here for you! xoxo

  18. Hey Karrilee! While reading your post I remembered how often I catch myself with clenched fists. I even cover/hold my thumb with my fingers. Its interesting to think how telling our body language can be. I've long been aware of this and have worked to practice being receptive. This open handed posture feels different, it feels good. Thanks for introducing it. Man I've missed hanging out here. I wanted to link up earlier this week. Found my way to the twitter party late Thursday got the prompt and then my 4 year old let me know there'd be no writing that night. Anyway, I started writing on Friday with the prompt in my heart. I used that post for my #GiveMeGrace linkup and felt a calling to link my post since it was inspired by the prompt. No matter how I got here, I'm grateful to connect with you again.Blessings friend.

    1. Oh my sweet Lisha... I have missed you so! I am SO EXCITED to be able to connect again inrl at JT! Can. Not. Wait! Isn't it amazing how we can live life clinched up and tense and not even notice until there is a release? When I get tense or stressed, I think my shoulders start to inch up (or my head sinks down?) either way - tension all across the back of my neck and head and I have to be reminded to relax my shoulders... (to open up my palms, so to speak!) Physically opening my palms and deliberately breathing in slowly and exhaling slowly has helped me so much to just let things go... it brings back a better perspective and even a bit of refreshing that is so needed, because sometimes we are not supposed to let it all go - but get His angle on it once again - and then keep at it! Off to read your post, my friend! I'm always grateful to have you here! xoxo

  19. I had not heard of Bob Goff either but it looks like I might need to check that out. I'm with Marcy (comment above) in that while I was reading I was thinking what a great worship thought this is for my students (I'm blessed to teach in a Christian school). Scrunched and tight, worried and stressed, or open and ready to receive love, forgiveness, grace - which is better? LOVE IT!

    1. Oh Carol, I am honored to be the one to 'introduce' you to Bob Goff! He is such a gift! I hope you take this to your students and have them try it out! It's so powerful! Thanks so much for stopping by!


Thanks so much for stopping by! I always love to hear your thoughts! Remember to: Speak Life - Be Love - Shine On!

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