Happy Holidays 2011
This year we have pulled out Christmas decorations little by little over time, but yesterday we finally finished. As I sit down to write this letter, I must admit – it’s not ‘feeling’ a lot like Christmas to me! Even with the lights on & the presents wrapped, rereading our letters from years past, & the background music of ‘O Holy Night’… the sun is brightly shining – not the stars so much – & it just hasn’t felt like Christmas. This truth got me to thinking of the reality of the Kingdom that is near… even when we don’t FEEL it! I know by looking at the calendar (& all around me) that Christmas is, in fact, upon us & it will do me no good to pretend otherwise! In the same way – while we may focus on politics, world events, health, relational issues, the economy –the list can go on & on – the reality that the Kingdom of God is at hand does not change – and it does us no good to ignore it! We may not ‘feel’ it or see it – but the fact is, it is there – so thinly veiled from our own world – ready for us to reach through & grab hold of… to pull Heaven to earth & share the Love that truly makes Christmas time feel like Christmas! Now, all of the sudden, I am feeling a little bit Christmassy! The very heart of what we celebrate at Christmas time is the extravagant, abundant, incredible Love of God… a simple shift in our perspective can set our minds at rest & loose our hearts to sing! Jesus walked among man & saw the stress & worries that this life can throw at us. He never once discounted the validity of our emotions – however He constantly lifts our heads & calls us to look up… to see Him, and see things from His perspective. Rest in knowing that He is good & that He is for you. Whether you feel it or not – He loves you & the Kingdom of Heaven is nearer than you think! Reach out… grab hold… & share the Love!
Last year I wrote all about how we were anticipating Change… how we longed for it not even knowing what it was that we wanted to be different… & while many things remain the same – many changes have begun! The New Year brought the comforting return of routine – back to school & work & prayer meetings & our day to day schedules. Kayelyn is involved in DECA at school & took a trip in January & later went on to compete at the State Level. We took a great trip to the Portland area to visit with family, Dave continued to volunteer at The Seasons, & by late March, tennis was in full swing for Kayelyn. She worked really hard & made Varsity despite missing a few days of tryouts for that DECA trip & from late March through May, we were all rallying around her & the team & loved every match! She did great… she got to move around a bit - playing Singles & a few Doubles matches too & even got her first Bagel win (6-2; 6-0). My friend Robbin & I decided to take an impromptu trip to Boise to visit Darcie – a last minute girls weekend. In May, we went to Seattle to see “Stories from The Shack” & a few days later our baby girl turned Sweet 16! She was thrilled to get her license & a taste of freedom! We also traveled to Whidbey to visit my sister & her family. In June we had more family gatherings at home then Dave, myself, & Lorraine attended a meeting to get more information about SOAR – a Bethel Supernatural School of Ministry satellite school being hosted at 1st Pres. here in town. This was one of the changes that we had been hoping for. When I went to Redding a few years ago, I left part of my heart there & while I would LOVE to attend the BSSM there, to find that God was bringing it here was such a gift! It was not even a question if we would apply… & I was pretty sure God would get us in since it seemed like He was bringing it here just for me! I took a fall and sprained my wrist and also went through Sozo training over the summer – an inner healing prayer ministry. In July we enjoyed great music and friends at the Folklife Festival & Jazz in the Valley too!
In August, we had interviews to attend SOAR & were accepted. We kicked off our annual beach trip by stopping in to see the Niles & Matthews in Clackamas – we had SO much fun! Then we met up with the Parsleys & enjoyed an entire week in our beloved Manzanita! It was WONDERFUL! We came home in time for a new school year to start – for our whole household this time! We also had change in our home in transforming our living room with new carpet & furnishings! I LOVE it… it’s a totally different room… so warm & cozy & peaceful! Dave took a fishing trip before school kicked off. We meet once a week in the evening for a few hours & are absolutely LOVING it! Dave helped out at The Seasons enjoying Pat Metheny live among other concerts & we went on a Retreat at the end of September to get to know our fellow students. In October we took a day trip to Leavenworth and then found ourselves in the beginning of the onslaught of all things college! Kayelyn went to a few college fairs on the west side & ever since we have been getting pamphlets & info from various colleges. Reality is hitting that she is almost a senior & from there – who can know what God will do! We had a magical winter wonderland weekend with friends in a cabin outside of Walla Walla (say THAT one fast!) in November & enjoyed about 2 weeks of ongoing Thanksgiving celebrations with all sides of family to kick off the holiday season! We were thrilled to host family for a gathering in December – lots of visiting, laughing, game-playing, shopping, oh yes – & eating!? It was great! Kayelyn & I went with friends to see/worship with Kim Walker Smith – so good! Yesterday, as I mentioned, I finished up our shopping, picked up our Christmas cards, wrapped the gifts, decorated the tree, & fell into bed exhausted but with a sense of accomplishment! You see – even though it hadn’t FELT like Christmas – my goal each year is to be ‘done’ with all the madness of the holidays by Dec 10th. That way I can actually slow down & ENJOY Christmas – drinking in the true meaning, filling up with Him, & pouring out His Love to all those around me! As I wrap this up – Pandora is playing “You’re Here” by Francesca Battistelli… nothing can make it FEEL like Christmas time faster than a shifted point of view! This song is written from Mary’s perspective! Read on:
“You`re here, I`m holding You so near
I`m staring into the face of my Savior, King & Creator
You could`ve left us on our own, but You`re here
I don`t know how long I`m gonna have you for
But I`ll be watching when You change the world
I look at Your hands, they`re still so small
Someday You`re going to stretch them out & save us all
Noel, noel, God with us Emmanuel.
…someday I`m gonna look back on this
The night that God became a baby boy
Someday you're gonna go home again,
But You leave Your Spirit & flood the world with joy “
Christmas is here, & the Kingdom is near…
Reach out, grab hold, share the Love, & be filled with Joy!

~Dave, Karrilee, & Kayelyn ~
(Here is a link to that song - for your enjoyment and reflection:
He's Here!)