January 1, 2010

2010 - a Year of Overcomers!

I know - it's been AGES since I have stopped by here and shared anything with you... I have been good - just busy doing daily life (and once again neglecting my writing!) However, with the New Year comes new commitments to really focus in on what I am called to do. This sadly doesn't mean I get to stop in here frequently and write whatever I want... it means I must pray and decide what direction to go in - and continue on in the dreaded editing portion of creating a book or three?!

At any rate... I have been missing this blog and way of expressing myself and had planned on stopping in today on my own. However, the Lord literally woke me up with a word for 2010 and as much as I tried to ask Him to just remind me later so I could sleep in - He would not have it... so I greeted the sunrise this morning cuddled up on my couch, with a blanket, pen & paper, a few Bibles, and an amazing awareness that I could barely keep up writing with the thoughts He was downloading to me...

So - without further delay... here is what I feel the Lord is saying for 2010:

2010 - a TRULY Happy new year! This is a new yea, a new start, a clean slate... Many experienced Breakthroughs in the past few years, but Breakthroughs require work and effort and fighting your way through. 2010 is the year of the OVERCOMER! I will lift you up to a new season, to a new level! I will life you UP and OVER! The battle will be Mine - you will need to persevere, but this is the year you will step into your destiny!

Last year, the Lord told me it was the year of Amos. This morning, He said this is the year of JOEL!!!

Many will be released in a new anointing, and new power. Many of you have been strengthening your foundations and have truly DECIDED in what and in Whom you believe. In 2010, you will begin to find opportunities to SEE the evidence of what you've been hoping for! You will begin to SEE that which you have believed in and believed for - come to pass!

Dreams, visions, signs & wonders. I Am coming! I Am coming in Power and Might, in Grace and Glory! But, FIRST I desire to come THROUGH YOU!

"Thy will be done, Thy kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven."

Step into 2010 with joy and expectation. The ties that bind and the lies that have held you back are about to be cut free. Prepare to fly with Me, says the Lord.


I went on to re-read through the Book of Amos, as well as pray through the Book of Joel. I encourage you to do the same! I will share some of my thoughts on that later... I just wanted to put this out here...

God has BIG plans for us in the coming year!
Happy New Year!

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  1. Anonymous7:05 PM

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