October 2, 2008

Books are on the way, the Finger of God, and more!

Hello there...

I just wanted to stop by and let you all know that I am praying for you (my avid blog readers?! LOL?!) and I am excited about a couple of things right now...

First off, we just found out that our books for the new study should be arriving within a day or two - so we are excited to get started with that! I am anticipating lots of posts stemming from this study!

Secondly, I just got a VERY exciting DVD in the mail today... I haven't read it - but this too I believe will warrant a post (or two!) Have any of you heard of this documentary? It is by Darren Wilson. This is what the back of the DVD says: "Hundreds raised from the dead. Manna appearing in the Pentagon. gemstones falling from teh sky. Teenagers healing perfect strangers on the street. This isn't old time religion. this is a new beginning. A spiritual revolution. This is the Finger of God. Prepare to go on a dizzying journey around the world - from teh streets of Northern California to the mud huts of Africa; from the underground church in China to the Gypsies in Eastern Europe - you will be challenged and encouraged by the extraordinary things God is doing in our world today. Born out of filmmaker Darren Wilson's personal journey of two years and hundreds of hours of footage. Finger of God will show you a world you never knew existed. A world of hope and courage. A world where God's fingerprints are found in the unlikeliest of places. Featuring Rolland & Heidi Baker, Bill Johnson, John & Carol Arnott, Ian Andrews, Canon Andrew White, Sid Roth, Georgeian Banov, and many more." Wow?! I can't WAIT to watch it!!! Check out the website for more info: http://www.fingerofgodfilm.com/

What 'more' am I excited about? I can feel in my Spirit that things are shifting... everywhere. God is on the move and I believe that we are about to experience a powerful encounter in our Nation. However it comes about - I believe that the 'nameless, faceless generation' is arising and being armed with weapons for battle. Of course, in the natural realms of this world - things are uncertain and intense to say the least. Isn't it good to know that we are not relying on a good economy? Of course we pray for wisdom and that our nation will bounce back and thrive once again - however our Source is not the government, or even ultimately our employers - but our Source is One Who promises to use all things together for good for those who are called according to His purpose. Our Source is the One Who promises that He will pour out blessings, pressed down, shaken together, and running over! Our Source is One Who promises to meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

If you are uncertain, or stressed out by this worlds' trouble - run to Him!
He has your Answer!

Until next time,
Press in and Press On!

1 comment :

  1. I'm right there with you on the change! I can feel it, too, and I am so thankful that God's grace is sufficient! I am going to have to check out the link for the Finger of God video- sounds SO intriguing and would love to see it! Once again, thanks for sharing your wisdom and gift with us! Have a blessed day!!


Thanks so much for stopping by! I always love to hear your thoughts! Remember to: Speak Life - Be Love - Shine On!

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