I completely forgot that last night was Thursday night which means a party over on Twitter with the #fmfparty crew. Sure, I missed Y'all, but let's be honest: yesterday was the first day that reached the 80-degree mark and that #patiolife was calling my name! You know how I roll! It's also nearing 80-degrees already this morning however here I sit... letting this One Word prompt:STUCKhave its' way with me! This is Five Minute Friday! {GO} Come on, Kate! Why you gotta do me this way? Every week, it's as if God is giving you the word and using it to stir me up to preach to myself Truths that I know, but sometimes forget! I see the word Stuck and man, oh how I feel it! How I have felt it... the force of it, and the helplessness of how it fits. (read: too tight)
And then He reminds me of what to do when you fall for the lie that you are stuck!
*** Here's the thing... I love Bob Goff. Well - I love him, and I hatedislike him... and here is why: Both in reading his first book, Love Does, and in reading this second offering, Everybody Always, He points out the call to Love. To, you know, be love.
Hello, tagline! Y'all know I love this. This is the same thing that God whispered to my heart years and years ago. We are all, I believe, called to BE Love!
In his newest book, Bob uses this language often. He uses the phrase "People who are becoming love..." and goes on to give examples of what they do or how they act. The reason I struggle with Bob? It's this: It's because he seems to actually DO it! He actually puts into practice loving everybody always. Or at least that is his intention... on every day (...always.)
In hopes that you read my last post and then promptly, like me, unplugged and stepped away from screens, you will not be surprised that I didn't make it to the Twitter party for long last night! This is Five Minute Friday... and our One Word Prompt is:TURN! {GO} I see the Word... and immediately think of how there is just really no shadow of turning with God. Like, ever.
God is ever faithful... ever true. He is our plumb line... our Cornerstone... our sure and firm foundation... And ifwhen everything else in life may be shifting and shaking... if it feels as though the sun is hiding and darkness is fast approaching... when it seems as though a straight path is not anywhere to be found and all you see before you are twists and turns... Rest assured... He holds steady and true... and He holds you... right smack in the palm of His nail-scarred hands!
*** Over the last few years, I have learned to love Mondays!
Now I must be intentional about doing that earlier before the rest of my day unfolds. Mondays now start off with quiet time, but have expanded to include snuggles and stories and diapers and nap time with lots of pouring out love, too!
This simply meant that looking back made me tired, and looking ahead made me wish the days away sooner so the week would fly by.
However, I know the value and necessity of staying present in the present! How I spend my Mondays now has changed with the arrival of Lil Miss, but for a season, Mondays were spent gloriously alone, just me and the Lord! One particular Monday not too long ago found me even more exhausted and depleted than normal. That was because the weekend was filled to the brim with good extroverty things and my week ahead was also filled with good somewhat extroverty/family things (which should read introverts gathering to introvert together!) Sometimes it is work to remain, yes?
I can't tell you how there has been this theme simmered on low in our lives for the past couple of months. Actually - it's a reoccurring theme and we try to not get too far from its' path but MAN... I think this is a message we ALL need to be reminded of every once in awhile. We'll dig into it below, but first: This is Five Minute Friday... and our One Word Prompt is:OTHER! {GO} I see the word and immediately flashback to several events that have unfolded for us over the last several months... and I'm reminded that we always have a choice. We get to choose feelings of faith or fear... of peace or peril. We've tried not to forget this over the last couple of weeks, but in reality -- it's been an intentional choice to hang on to Peace over the coarse of our lives for a very long time now! We huddle in close and we lean in quietly and we silence our fears and remind ourselves that we have another choice.
We could choose fear... or worry... or doubt. We could. Often times that really feels wise anyway. It feels like we almost should! Like... it makes sense!
*** A few nights ago, I woke up hearing the whisper of God softly, lovingly saying "...but I'm not after a Child-Bride! It's time for Maturity to manifest in the Church." OK. I get that.
I could tell there was more to it, however I somehow slept through the first part of that conversation! A few hours later after some coffee and --well, being vertical for a bit-- I sat down again and asked Him a few questions. You know, for clarity! He reaffirmed that yes, we are His Beloved Children... and yes, we are His Beloved Bride. We are both --but He's not coming back for a Child-Bride. He's ready for us to mature into the Lover He longs for!
I woke up the other day hearing the Lord mid-sentence. We'll talk about what He shared with me next week, but the point is this: He is speaking... and I am hearing! #JazzPraiseHands and #HallelujahAmen But for now... this is Five Minute Friday... and our One Word Prompt is: RELEASE! {GO} I'm not one to believe in coincidence. I know it is sometimes easier to reason things away but it seems with every weekly prompt as of late God has already been speaking to me all around the one word. And with Release... well, it seems we are in a season of releasing things and the Lord is merciful and kind. Even when it doesn't feel like it... even when He may need to pry my fingers open in order for me to let go! There are seasons that He calls us to step up and pick up some things, and oh boy - there are seasons when He calls us to step down and lay down some things, too!
But as soon as I saw the prompt I knew we would not really dig in to all of that quite yet! Maybe one day we'll talk about the laying down and letting go in order to make room for the unknown-whatever-is-next... but not today. Oh no... Today I want to talk about a secret weapon that should be anything but secret... and how He released it long ago and it is a GIFT for us to unwrap and put on... put to use... and how using it makes all the difference!