My family just returned last week from a vacation to our nations' Capitol! We had an amazing time! To see in person so many places and things that we have grown up seeing on tv or in movies, etc was incredible. As is necessary, we squeezed in a LOT of venues in a few short days and as is custom, we did not get everything in during our short stay! However, a few of my favorites were the Lincoln Memorial - so simple and elegant.. majestic and such a reminder of what one man, with God, can do to make a difference! Awe-inspiring! I also loved the World War 2 Memorial... and the Room of Rembrance in the Holocaust Museum! That was the place where I could tangibly feel the Presence of the Lord and it felt too holy to take a photograph or to do anything but pray, repent, and praise Him! For our Lord is faithful and true... even at times when it really doesn't SEEM like it!
The week before our vacation, we endured a LOT of unexpected stress and are facing some life changes - but God was good in giving us a vacation where we really were able to leave the stress and worries at home and thoroughly enjoy our time together!
With summertime here, my schedule is a bit lighter and my days a bit more relaxed but I am so looking forward to what God has planned in the next month or so... change is coming at us from all directions - and we know as uncomfortable as the unknown can be... we know that He is good... we know that He is Faithful and True and that He has our backs and will lead and guide us... we know that He really IS in a good mood and He desires to place us where He wants us in order to bring about more of His Kingdom here on earth!
Press on in all He has called and equipped you to do in this season... and if you are like us, in a season of change and not really knowing what He is calling you to do next - wait and see... He will be faithful and true for you as well!
More Lord... that is our simple prayer!